KCSC's K-12 Recovery Plan
Considerations and Recommendations for KCSC’s Schools
The Indiana Department of Education, in partnership with the Indiana Department of Public Health, has developed guidance to support districts and communities in determining their plans and strategies for reopening schools. KCSC’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools provides a tiered approach with clear, actionable steps that are advisable before students and employees return to school buildings, along with guidance that is applicable throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
This approach is built upon the guidance and recommendations of health officials; it is strongly aligned to the reopening guidelines that have been provided by our state and federal leaders; and it’s designed to help districts prioritize the health and safety of students and teachers as they open school buildings and deliver instruction for the 2020-2021 school year.
KCSC’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools focuses heavily on the health and physical requirements necessary for reopening school buildings. The Indiana Department of Education will continue to provide guidance and recommendations to districts and schools on navigating the academic, social, and emotional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and employees..........
Click for Full Document - KCSC's K-12 Recovery Plan